ILMA SALON Deals & Offers

Get FACIAL/CLEAN UP (LOTUS/OXY) + BLEACH + HAIR SPA + HAIR CUT + HEAD WASH + BLOW DRY + WAXING Rs.1424 only worth cost Rs.3000.please visit the following link

ART IN SALON Deals & Offers

Get FACIAL (GOLD/DIAMOND) + BLEACH + HEAD MASSAGE + WAXING Rs.1324 only worth cost Rs.2500.please visit the following link

S.K.M SALON Deals & Offers

Get FACE BLEACH (LOTUS/OXY) + FACIAL/CLEAN UP (LOTUS/OXY) + HEAD WASH + HAIR SPA + WAXING Rs.1099 only worth cost Rs.2500.please visit the following link